Titanium news
To inform the community about new things that happen in the Titanium community, SDK and modules I do some news articles at https://dev.to/miga. Here is a list of articles:
The start of Titanium News 🙂
SDK updates and modules
Titanium 10 RC, Apple M1, Open source tooling
SDK, Liveview, Tidev, Modules
Titanium 10.0.1 and 10.0.2, Modules
10.1.0.GA, Modules
10.1.0.GA, 10.2.0, Quick tips, Modules
Titanium 10.1.1, Modules
11.0.0.GA – first community release! Android 13, iOS 16, modules
New features for the next release, Android 13/iOS16 and many module updates.
Ti 11.1.1.GA released, some new PRs in the next Ti version and even more module updates!
What Titanium 12 will bring, some interesting new PRs and some fresh modules + module updates.
Titanium 12 RC is available! Material You support, Dynamic Island support and many module updates.
State of JS results are in, Titanium 12 was released, new features are coming every day, a ton of new plugins and a very interesting new UI project in the making!
Titanium SDK 12.1.0.RC feature presentation, Ti Meetup 3 preview
Titanium 12.1.2.GA, whats new in main branch and lots of modules.
Titanium 12.3.0, iOS privacy requirements, big gradle update coming soon, community project spotlight and many module updates.
This time we will look at 12.3.1.GA, 12.4.0.RC, module updates and how to use ChatGPT to create Titanium iOS modules.
Lot’s of work during the last blog post and Titanium SDK is now already at version 12.6.1.GA