From zero to app

Build your cross-platform iOS/Android apps with Titanium SDK.

Your source to create stable, native-like apps with Titanium SDK in no time!

Titanium SDK

Titanium SDK lets you develop cross-platform native mobile applications and build great mobile experiences using JavaScript.
Find more about Titanium SDK in the official Titanium SDK documentation.

If you need Titanium SDK help/support you can join TiSlack, use the GitHub discussions or ask on Stackoverflow. For any bigger support or new apps feel free to contact me.

New to Titanium SDK?

You want to start developing your first app with Titanium SDK or install the software for the first time? Have a look at “How to install Titanium SDK” or at the other tutorials for other topics (push, maps, camera and much more).

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Featured modules

Some must have modules for your next Titanium SDK app:

Latest Modules

Fresh out of the dev kitchen! Some new Titanium SDK modules:

  • Review Dialog (In-app review)Use the SKStoreReviewController from iOS 10.3+ in your Titanium application. Also use a native Andro...
  • Ti.Hero - iOS view controller transitionsPoC of Titanium swift Module support. Currently it extend T...
  • Hyperloop iOS RemoteControl eventsTitanium Hyperloop Module allowing your Titanium iOS applications to update the MPNowPlayingInfoCent...
  • Ti.Android.AppLovinTitanium Android module for AppLovin Ads platform.

Need an app, Titanium SDK support or an Android module?

Get in contact with me!

Latest Tutorials

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